The life changing quotes

 The Life changing quotes 

A honest enemy is better than a friend who lies

Beautiful faces are everywhere but beautiful minds are hard to find 

I am just an ordinary person with extraordinary mindset

Never share your secrets with other,It will destroy you

I respect those who tell me the Truth,no matter how Hard it is

One bad chapter doesn't mean the story is over

If they need you temporarily Ignore them permanently 

Life has no remote you have to get up and change it yourself 

The more you care the more you get hurt 

Trust me or not but most of your frienda secretly hate you

Living alone is really better than living with fake people 

You can't demand respect you have to earn it

I sad but I smile that's my life 

Real is rare fake is everywhere 

The things we truly love destroy us every time remember that

The wrong and fake people will always teach you the right lesson s

Anyone can make you smile, But not everyone can make you happy 

People don't remember good,the remember different 

Now I am always smiling
-By APJ Abdul Kalam

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